If you ever have to hem curtains and you don’t know what to do with the leftover fabric, here’s an idea!

I needed cafe curtains for my kitchen window and a valance for my bathroom window, but couldn’t find anything I liked, in the right size, and at a price I felt like paying. I had leftover scraps from past curtain hems so I decided to dye them and make curtains to match my decor. I used Rit and mixed a couple of shades until I reached the desired color. I like to use paper towel pieces to check the color before inserting the fabric, just to make sure I like where it’s headed so I can avoid any surprises and having to color correct later.

I’m happy with the way the bathroom valance turned out! But the cafe curtains were a flop. They looked too stiff and heavy.

I used a different, sheer curtain scrap instead and love it now. The weight is much softer and I like the patterned detail.

So there you go! Save those hems to make more window treatments!

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